Tuesday, March 28, 2017

G11 - Week 28 - Day 1

In-class work

  1. Supply-side questions
    1. Cambridge application on p. 346
  2. Current event and review discussion of interest to you related to any topic from the class - i.e. micro or macro chapters. Ideas include:
    1. Taxes
    2. Subsidies
    3. Price controls
    4. Pollution
    5. Education
    6. Healthcare
    7. Infrastructure
    8. Unemployment
    9. Inflation
    10. Growth rates
    11. Inequality/equality
    12. Interest rates/monetary policy
    13. Immigration
    14. Climate change
    15. Tech R&D

Friday, March 24, 2017

G11 - Week 27 - Day 3

In-class work

  1. Fiscal Policy 
    1. Practice problem 2 (p. 384)
      1. We will mark the "best" example on a rubric together to show areas of improvement.
  2. Supply-side questions
    1. Cambridge application on p. 346
  3. Current event and review discussion
At-home work
  1. Find news/current events of interest to you related to any topic from the class - i.e. micro or macro chapters. Ideas include:
    1. Taxes
    2. Subsidies
    3. Price controls
    4. Pollution
    5. Education
    6. Healthcare
    7. Infrastructure
    8. Unemployment
    9. Inflation
    10. Growth rates
    11. Inequality/equality
    12. Interest rates/monetary policy
    13. Immigration
    14. Climate change
    15. Tech R&D

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

G11 - Week 27 - Day 2

Use of class time

Effective use of time is about efficiency. Time is a scarce input, the desired output is better performance on IB assessments. Below are the uses of time more desired by the class:
  1. Lecture
  2. Application (news articles
  3. IB questions
  4. Discussion (current events and review)
The easiest way to determine if the time use of was effective is a simple rating on a scale of 1-5. Was your time used effectively? No, not at all is a 1. Yes, completely effective use of time is a 5. If you do not answer 5 after each class, you have use class time inefficiently in regards to better course understanding and higher assessment marks.

In-class work

  1. Monetary Policy
    1. Practice problem 1 (p. 400)
  2. Fiscal Policy 
    1. Practice problem 2 (p. 384)
      1. We will mark the "best" example on a rubric together to show areas of improvement.
At-home work
  1. Read practice problems on p. 413 as preview
  2. Introduction to Supply-side Policies
  3. Read ch. 19
    1. Generate at least one question and post in the comment section for this post.

G11 - Week 27 - Day 1

In-class work

  1. Monetary Policy
    1. Practice problem 1 (p. 400)

Thursday, March 16, 2017

G11 - Week 26 - Day 2

In-class work

  1. Monetary Policy
    1. Exercise 1 (p. 392)
    2. Exercises 2-7 (p. 395 & 400)
    3. Practice problems
  2. Introduction to Supply-side Policies
  3. MRU: Sumner/White: Fiat Money vs. the Gold Standard (optional for the curious)

    1. Lecture/Q&A
      1. lecture
      2. lecture
      3. lecture
      4. lecture
      5. lecture
      6. lecture
    2. Application
      1. case studies/applications
      2. real life applications 
      3. bring news articles
      4. projects, videos, etc.
    3. IB test prep
      1. practice the IB questions
      2. ib styled questions
      3. IB questions
      4. IB format and discussing the questions in class
    4. Discussion
      1. discussion
      2. discussion
      3. discussion
      4. discussions
      5. discussions about current events
      6. discussions 
      7. discussions
      8. class discussions
      9. class discussions

    Friday, March 10, 2017

    G11 - Week 25 - Day 3

    In-class work

    1. Monetary Policy
      1. Should we tax robots?
        1. What concepts from our class are in the article?
        2. What diagrams could be used to explain different parts?
      2. Exercise 1 (p. 392)
      3. The Net Export Effect of Monetary Policy
      4. Evaluating the Effectiveness of Monetary Policy During Recessions
        1. Exercises 2-7 (p. 395 & 400)
      5. MRU: Sumner/White: Fiat Money vs. the Gold Standard (optional for the curious)