Friday, December 9, 2016

G11 - Week 15 - Day 3

In-class work

    1. Types of Unemployment and their Causes - part 1 of 3
      1. Exercises 1-3 (HL only p. 288 & 292)
      2. Exercises 4-6 (p. 292)
    2. Illustrating Unemployment in the AD/AS Model - part 2 of 3
    3. The Consequences of and Solutions to Unemployment - part 3 of 3
      1. Exercises 7-9 (p. 297)

    Ongoing Country Information
    1. Pick a country
    2. Find data on GDP
      1. Find expenditure and output approach
      2. Compare GDP to GNI
      3. Nominal vs Real
      4. rGDP vs rGDP per capita vs rGDP per capita (purchasing power parity)
      5. Do these over or underestimate the country's GDP?
        1. Environmental damage?
        2. Total volunteer work?
        3. Black market activity?
      6. Diagram the business cycle
    3. Describe major components of country's AD
    4. Savings and tax rates?
    5. Describe major components of country's AS
    6. Unemployment rate?
      1. Long-run diagram
    7. Labor force participation rate?
      1. Long-run diagram
    8. Analyze structural forces likely to lead to more or less unemployment in the future

    From the blogosphere


    1. The United States Of America

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