Thursday, December 15, 2016

G11 - Week 16 - Day 2

In-class work

    1. The Consequences of and Solutions to Unemployment - part 3 of 3
      1. Exercises 7-9 (p. 297)

    Ongoing Country Information
    1. Figure out unemployment rates
    2. Labor participation rates
    3. Causes of the above?

    From the blogosphere

    Tuesday, December 13, 2016

    G11 - Week 16 - Day 1

    In-class work

      1. Types of Unemployment and their Causes - part 1 of 3
        1. Exercises 1-3 (HL only p. 288 & 292)
        2. Exercises 4-6 (p. 292)
      2. Illustrating Unemployment in the AD/AS Model - part 2 of 3
      3. The Consequences of and Solutions to Unemployment - part 3 of 3
        1. Exercises 7-9 (p. 297)

      Ongoing Country Information
      1. Figure out unemployment rates
      2. Labor participation rates
      3. Causes of the above?

      From the blogosphere

      Friday, December 9, 2016

      G11 - Week 15 - Day 3

      In-class work

        1. Types of Unemployment and their Causes - part 1 of 3
          1. Exercises 1-3 (HL only p. 288 & 292)
          2. Exercises 4-6 (p. 292)
        2. Illustrating Unemployment in the AD/AS Model - part 2 of 3
        3. The Consequences of and Solutions to Unemployment - part 3 of 3
          1. Exercises 7-9 (p. 297)

        Ongoing Country Information
        1. Pick a country
        2. Find data on GDP
          1. Find expenditure and output approach
          2. Compare GDP to GNI
          3. Nominal vs Real
          4. rGDP vs rGDP per capita vs rGDP per capita (purchasing power parity)
          5. Do these over or underestimate the country's GDP?
            1. Environmental damage?
            2. Total volunteer work?
            3. Black market activity?
          6. Diagram the business cycle
        3. Describe major components of country's AD
        4. Savings and tax rates?
        5. Describe major components of country's AS
        6. Unemployment rate?
          1. Long-run diagram
        7. Labor force participation rate?
          1. Long-run diagram
        8. Analyze structural forces likely to lead to more or less unemployment in the future

        From the blogosphere

        Thursday, December 1, 2016

        G11 - Week 14 - Day 2

        In-class work
        1. Exercise 1 (p. 273)
        2. An Introduction to Aggregate Supply

        From the blogosphere
        1. Which kind of countercyclical fiscal policy is best?
        2. "a very interesting paper"
          1. "The figure shows considerable variation over time, establishing that the state of the economy is crucial for the effectiveness of fiscal policy response.32 Multipliers rise considerably during the financial crisis, and tend to be low during other periods. Interestingly, the purchases multipliers is the most stable, and smaller than one. It only rises modestly around the Lehman event, and falls sharply during 2009 (precisely when the ARRA is implemented). The transfer multiplier is typically lower than the purchases multiplier, and is even negative during some periods of expansion. It rises considerably, above 1.5, during the financial crisis, which is consistent with the large role of transfers for stabilization. Bank recapitalizations also have fiscal multipliers that are typically negative but rise considerably during the crisis, going over 2. These facts provide further evidence on the stabilizing role of these two fiscal policy tools during the financial crisis. Interestingly, and unlike government purchases, these effects are extremely state dependent as these two tools have the potential to generate negative multipliers if used during periods of expansion." (p. 47-48)
        3. Confusions about the multiplier < 1 (me defending
        4. Mobilizing Real Resources

        Currently Reading